December, 2006

Andrew, directing one of the bands at the Winter concert at Cloverleaf Middle School.
Penney and Bob, Andrew and Emily, after the concert.
A hat Penney knit for our cousin, Margaret Winter, first girl in the family in some time.
"The Hill" in Bellows Falls, Vermont, during our Christmastime visit.
Saxton's River, again — December.
Another gift hat — a snowman with Christmas- style hat of his own — for Maggie's big brother, Nate!

We hope you have enjoyed visiting our lives as they were lived during 2006!

Come back soon for a review of 2007.


— Penney and Bob

Penney and Bob dancing at a colleague's wedding in December.
Penney dances better by herself, actually! But they will take ballroom dance lessons together in the New Year.

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