September, 2007

If it's September, then it's high-school football time! And Friday nights find us at Cloverleaf games, where Andrew is Assistant Director of the high school band. We also attend band contests (usually on Saturdays) if possible; these photos are of the contest at Amherst, Ohio. (Andrew is in the dark suit, standing on the track at the 40-yard line on the left of the left-hand photo.)

The theme this year is "Music for a Darkened Theater," and includes "Ghost Riders in the Sky," which Bob remembers from his own high-school days (along with "Caravan" and even, God-help-us, "The One-Eyed, One-Horned Flying Purple People-Eater," which the band does "for fun" in the stands, much as the Berea band used to do the "Macarena").

September is also the final boating month of the year (usually) and this year we once again anchored off Cleveland's Burke Lakefront Airport to watch part of the Cleveland Air Show with Emily (left) and Andrew (right).

And September is also prime time for a variety of craft festivals. Our favorite is earlier in the year, but we sometimes travel down to Canal Fulton to visit the "Yankee Pedlar" festival, which is huge.

They feature folks in old-time costume doing old-time things. Here are a couple of examples. Bob thinks the woman at the right looks like Mammy Yokum from the old "L'il Abner" comic strip.

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