December, 2007

December was a month of contrasts. On the left: Paul at a Browns game (the Browns won); on the right, Bob's first attempt at making Christmas stollen. Elsewhere on this page: Bob floors a portion of the attic; and we see the "October bridge" in stark winter dress.

Penney and Bob again spent Christmas Day and the days before and after with Pen's mother, Louise Morse, in North Westminster, Vermont.

The day after Christmas, a flock (like, 20 to 30) of wild turkeys strode through the back yard, as if they knew all the feasting was over.

Our Christmas with the kids will again be on "Russian Christmas," January 6th, also known (in the West) as Epiphany.

"The Contractor in the Attic," and other stories of suspense and intrigue!

Looking N toward the previously-finished portion of the attic (the overcrowding there tells you why we had to floor the other portion!).

Looking S from the spot of the picture to the left, showing the newly-floored section, with clothes already in place.

The railroad bridge across the Connecticut River at the entrance of the Saxtons River. This picture was taken from approximately the same spot as the picture of the same bridge on the October page.

Christmas at Louise's (back row, l to r: Justin Holden, Penney, Susan Holden [Penney's sister], Seth Holden; front row, l to r: Bob, Louise, Mark Holden).

We hope you have enjoyed visiting our lives as they were lived during 2007!

Come back soon for a review of 2008.

— Penney and Bob


One of the 20~30 turkeys which strode through the side yard the day after Christmas!

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