February, 2008

Well, you know, February in Ohio just isn't a terribly interesting time, so you're lucky to have these two photos!

Bob finished up his "Iraq: From Babylon to Bush" class and started prep for the upcoming one, "The Many Faces of Faith," which will debut the first week in April.

Penney continues to crank out IEPs (that's ed-speak for "Individualized Educational Programs," which describe the objectives for special-ed students and the curricular and other modificatrions necessary to help them achieve the established goals).

Penney (with former parishioner Marion Sewell) at the Berea Power Squadron "Founders' Day" celebration on February 3. Marion is the Squadron's Membership Chair, and Penney has just said she plans to join up!

February brought a surprise visit from old friend Karen Canning, in town to see her former professor (and accompanist) James Feldman and his wife, Charlotte.

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