October , 2009

Just about my favorite month (wonder why?!) While Bob's alma mater, Hope College, had only "local" fraternities, one of them is the fifth-oldest Greek-letter society in the country. Although it uses the Greek letters Omicron Kappa Epsilon (the initials of its motto in Greek: "Few and Chosen") it is known on campus officially as "The Fraternal Society," and more familiarly as "The Fraters." It was founded in 1834 at Union College, Schenectady, NY, and brought to Hope by Philip Phelps, the college's first president (a Union alumnus). This being the 175th anniversary, the Fraters got together for a big party and Penney accompanied me (she still can't quite believe that I was president of "the jock fraternity" at Hope!) We had a great time, caught up with my old roommate, a dentist in Ann Arbor, and took a "Nostalgia Tour" around Grand Haven and Holland.

October also brought the beginning of what will be my last official class with the Berea Power Squadron. Classes are divided into "grades" and "electives;" passing the grade classes enables one to advance in grade: Seaman, Pilot, Advanced Pilot (so far, you're in coastal waters, usually within sight of land); and Junior Navigator and Navigator ("offshore" seafaring, where you have to know how to figure out where you are without any landmarks, i.e., with a sextant or — increasingly — a GPS unit. Elective courses include: Cruise Planning, Engine Maintenance, Marine Electronics, Weather, Sail and Instructor Development (i.e., "How to Teach").

I am presently at the grade of "JN;" I've passed the course work for "N" and taken and reduced all my sextant sights, plotted them and so on; I still have to do what is called "Projections on the Plane of the Meridian" (don't ask . . . it's spherical trigonometry). "ID" is the last elective class I need for what is known as a "full certificate" and the grade of "Senior Navigator."

A third trip to Minneapolis for Bob (he really enjoys being up there . . . great food stores, for one thing!), and a trip for us both to the Columbus area to see "Andrew's Band" do their thing at the State Contest.

Lu-anne Jonker McCormick, daughter of Yvonne Bosman Jonker (see photo to the rigiht);p I've known her since she was a small child.

Yvonne Bosman Jonker, daughter of my college landlady, Olive Bosman. I've known Vonnie since 1956.

Dr. Lawrence N. Lup, my roommate my last two years of college. Larry was and is a wonderful friend and companion.

It takes courage to go to a school with a mascot like this!

In the stands, as we watched the "Flying Dutchmen" beat up on Albion College.

Yes, I really did buy, and wear, that hat!

My grandfather's former house at 272 W. 14th St. (He was head of the Education Department at Hope.)

In front of our former cottage; this sort-of duplicates a photo from our courting days.

Our family cottage frojm 1945~1975. It sat all alone at that time; now, cottages have been built all around it and it looks small and hemmed-in. The original driveway has been filled in, and the gardens (my mother's pride and joy) taken out and paved over! But the view to the west is still gorgeous!


The Hostages' vocalist.

While in Minneapolis, I attended a performance of the Hostages, Christopher's rock band, at a well-known club in town. This photo, taken in the "green room" before the performance, shows Christopher with "Bobo," the drummer and leader of the band. I have one of Carly, too, but it's really not very flattering . . . she was tired and not feeling well.

And the rhythm guitar player.

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