December, 2009

The big news is the end of the Great Automotive Soap Opera. Penney took delivery of a BMW 335-D (for diesel) on Saturday, the 19th. Bob is scrambling to get a space cleared in the garage for it, and in the meantime he's also working on preparing for his upcoming course in the Institute for Learning in Retirement (which begins in mid-January) and finishing his "Instructor Development" course with the Berea Power Squadron. We head to Vermont again for Christmas. Film at eleven.

I got the storm door refinished, with new brass hinges and fresh paint.



Here we are socializing at the "N" Club Christmas Party. I'm not technically eligble for this group until I pass my "Navigation" course but we were invited as guests (and they got me to give the invocation!)

"And the winner is . . . ."

Entering the temple for the first time.

Hoping to hitch a ride!

There probably isn't a prettier place to spend Christmas than in the mountains of Vermont, and with a lot of fresh snow, it seemed especially pretty this year. The new car got us there and back in fine time and we have become huge fans of Bluetooth technology, answering our phones through the radio!

Saxtons River and Fall Mountain in the distance; taken along the river road that is one of our favorite walks.

No matter the season, Mom flies her flag!


The new roof shines up the house nicely! And it doesn't leak, either—a great improvement

It's just not a visit to Vermont without a visit to Michael and George. Here's Michael with his "Auntie"

One of the best photographs of Mom in a long time! Taken after breakfast at Father's Restaurant, a local favorite,

We had "Christmas" with the Ohio family on New Year's Eve after we got back from Vermont. Andrew and Emily brought the dessert . . . and some news. Can you guess what the news was?




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