March, 2010

"Treacherous March" was a byword used (I am told) by my maternal Grandfather. And he didn't even live in Ohio! Where else would be find Penney sunbathing in the middle of a field of snow? (See below.) And, while not exactly "treacherous," our granddaughter, Olivia Catherine Winter did catch us all a little off-base by arriving 7½ weeks early, on March 10, the date of two other family birthdays (Aunt Carly's and my brother' David's).

Olivia: One Day Old and already a beauty!

Needless to say, with two brand-new grandchildren, it didn't take long for me to throw some clothes into a suitcase and head for a week's visit in Minneapolis.

Both Olivia (above) and Alexander are beautiful babies, and (so far) have been "good" babies who always have a good reason for crying.

Alexander at about six weeks.

Jeff isn't really terrified . . . he just looks like it!

(l to r: Jeff; Olivia; Alexander)

Sooooo sleepy! Olivia at about six days.

Grandpa with Olivia (age 1 day)

"Wanna' trade?"             "Nope!"

(l to r: Christopher, Alexander, Jeffrey, Olivia)

Grandpa with Alexander (six weeks old).

"And so, my friends, I say unto you . . . ."

The outfit Grandma Penney made is just a little big, but it's so cute . . . .!

Olivia has, hands down, the longest fingers I have ever seen on a newborn. Look for her to become: (a) a concert pianist;

(b) a world-famous flautist

(c) an NFL quarterback for the Vikings

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