November, 2010

November brought Penney's birthday and a Thanksgiving trip to Vermont, with Andrew, Emily and Adalyn. It also brought the Annual Fall Conference of District 7 of the United States Power Squadrons, at which Bob was presented with the formal certificate recognizing his status as a "Senior Navigator" — this is essentially a grade awarded to persons who take, and pass, all available USPS courses.


Bob (left) and fellow Berea Power Squadron member Wayne Powers (center) receive their "Senior Navigator" certificates from Chief Commander Frank Dvorak

Left: The Rocky River in late Fall.

Fall also brought the stockpiling of a wood supply for the fireplace (this lovely woodpile collapsed about an hour after this photo was taken—our squirrels think it's their own private fitness center. When I rebuilt it, I also put a tarp over the top to keep it dry.

Above: The family at Thanksgiving.

Left: Great-grandma Louise with Adalyn.

It's never too early to start piano lessons!

Above: The meadow next to Mom's property (see the December page for a wintertime photo taken at the same spot) Photo by Penney..

Left: Some of the giant pines along the ridge.

Right: More piano lesson!


Fall was also clean-up-the-yard time. This year, we actually had a use for all the fallen leaves—Penney had been to a "garlic festival" earlier in the year, and resolved to grow some of her own garlic. Bales of straw provide a designated spot in the garden, and chopped-up leaves make great mulch.

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