April, 2011

As mentioned in the January page, the highest grade in the United States Power Squadrons is "SN" — Senior Navigator. It's awarded to men and women who have achieved the grade of Navigator ("N") and who have also passed all other courses in the USPS curriculum. Members who are either an N or an SN are eligible for membership in the "Cleveland Navigators' Club," which is largely a "fun" organization. April is the traditional month for the N Club "change of watch," and we attended at a restaurant in Vermilion..

The pictures of the Minnesota grandkids on this page were obviously taken by someone other than me.

The official burgee of the Cleveland Navigators' Club; the three gold stars are the uniform insignia for the grade of "N"

All officers' titles start with an "N" with "Neptune" being the equivalent of President. Here former Neptune Dan Stein prepares to present the trident (???!) of office to an incoming Neptune.

April is also the opening of Baseball Season; Here's Adalyn in the Indians' outfit we gave her.

Another photo of Adalyn. She has the most sober expression I think I've ever see in a small child!

Libby in her Easter Outfit!

Adalyn with Bob, eating lunch on Easter Monday.

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