July, 2011

For the past several years, Andrew and I have taken a "mini-cruise" to one of the Lake Erie islands; this year, we decided to go to South Bass Island, best known for its single port, Put-In Bay (which some have called "the longest bar in Ohio"). We got away later than I thought but I looked at the weather chart and figured we could skate around the storms we knew were coming. We actually did make it around the first one (pictured, left) but one I had missed came out of the west and really clobbered us with six-foot waves and winds that reached at least 37 kts. (about 43 m.p.h.).

The bouncing up and down loosened up a lot of crud on the bottom of the fuel tank, which clogged the intake filter for the engine and slowed the engine almost to a dead stop. You don't want to be without power (no power, no steering), so we tried to deploy the headsail (jib) which would give us enough steerageway without having so much sail out that we risked being knocked down. Alas! the jib jammed in some of the lines blowing about.

Finally, the starboard lower shroud (wire rope that holds the mast in place) came loose from its turnbuckle and we decided to call the Coast Guard, which came very quickly and towed us to port, where we were able to make repairs. We figure we were very fortunate!

Immanuel Church, Bellows Falls, is an Episcopal Church straight out of Central Casting, complete with chaste gray granite walls and even a churchyard adjacent. Among those interred there is Hetty R. Green, "The Witch of Wall Street," an eccentric but brilliant investor in the stock market. Her daughter's bequest largely supports the parish, which of course ruins a sense of stewardship.

Here's Immanuel Church from the front, with Paul standing, contemplating. The interior is really splendid with polychromed wood and decent stained glass, a very nice organ and a 9' Steinway concert grand. The space is used for local musical events, which is good, but the congregation has (for a variety of reasons) been moribund for some years.

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