December, 2011

This will be our first Christmas in our own home in a few years and we are trying to make the best of it. Most of the preparations have had to wait until the proverbial "last minute," but all will be accomplished before the "Twelve Days" of the Christmas Season start on the 25th. Watch this space for more photos as they develop (so to speak).

And here we are, gathered (in front of the fireplace as usual for the family photo) on Christmas Day.

(Left to right: Louise Morse, Paul Winter, Penney Morse Winter, Adalyn Leigh Winter, Andrew Winter, Emily Winbter, Bob Winter)

Early outside decorating.

The caption should read: "Aye, Cap'n; I don't know what manner of vessel she might be, but I'm pretty sure she's run aground!"

This magnificent buck (an 8-pointer, I do believe) has been feasting on our ecineacea bushes.

We always start with blue lights for Advent on the redbud tree near the street.

The wooden stable and barnyard was made for us by "Uncle Fred" Mare back in the 1940s; the créche figures are the ones we have always used with it.

"…by the chimney with care™"

Here's what it looks like after we get the white
Christmas:" lights up! It looks as though we are a couple of strings short of a display, however!

We decorated the tree on Sunday, December 18, after Church on the IV Sunday of Advent,and it's the prettiest tree we've had in years.

Andrew and Emily came along to help and of course, Adaluyn added her beautiful smile and curiosity, too. But she was very good about not "getting into" the ornaments (of course, we hung them a little higher than usual this year!)

As she was leaving, she got a goodbye kiss from Great-grandma Louise.

And, on Christmas Day itself …

The Ohio children and grandchild were able to join us for dinner and gift-exchange. We did ribroast of beef (nice leftovers!), mashed potatoes with gravy, sautéed Brussels sprouts (a request of the older ladies) and peppermint stick ice cream after the presents were opened. Easy to make and tasty.

Adalyn demonstrates her skill on her new keyboard for Mommy! But she also enjoyed her "jingle bells" (left). She has definitely inherited musical proclivities and talents from both her parents.

Grandma Penney explains the concept behind the "Story People" to Adalyn (Penney is holding an S. P. catalog, which was a gift from her cousin, Betsey Snipes.)

Grandma Penney put Adalyn in a pretty red tutu for the afternoon! (see picture, right)to go with the "Swan Lake electronic music box she got (above and far rigiht). It actually changes scenes as the music changes!

Bob in his "pirate do-rag" (also from Betsey). Yohoho!

Paul looking pleased (or just tired).

Parents of toddlers are always tired at Christmas.

Mom looks a little skeptical about getting a package from Victoria's Secret (just kidding).

Just before the gathering for the "family Christmas Photo" … "and to all a good night!"

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve was a relatively sedate affair this year. The Minneapolis kids were in Minneapolis (of course!) and Paul was in Lexington, KY, visiting Sam and Susan McDonald and their three charming daughters, Maya, Isabel and Esme. (Sam was Paul's mentor when Paul was a Youth Ministry Intern at St. Paul's Church; he later became Canon to the Ordinary of the Diocese of Lexington and when Bishop Stacey Sauls went on to become the CEO of the Episcopal Church he brought Sam along as his assistant. Sam commutes to and from NYC on a 10/4 schedule.)

We (Bob and Penney, Andrew, Emily and Adalyn and Penney's Mom, Louise Morse) went out to dinner at a very nice Italian restaurant, Daddona's in Westlake, Ohio, where three of us had crab-stuffed scampi, with one order each of fettucine Alfredo with chicken, and veal Française.

Penney's camera (which we were counting on for the pictures) wasn't functioning well, so we had to make do with my cell phone's camera. Far left: Emily and Adalyn; Left: Adalyn in a particularly pensive moment; Above: Emily and Andrew.

Left: Adalyn shows off her skills with her "Big Girl glass."

Right: Mom, still sharp and active at 98, really enjoyed getting "dolled up" and out for a night on the town.

We had early reservations and on the way home stopped by Andrew and Emily's to check out their new couch and love seat. (Penney had borrowed the truck a couple of days earlier to take the replaced ones down to Andrew's office at Cloverleaf.) It was a very nice evening, despite the fact that we all missed Christopher, Carly, Xannie, Jeff, CeCe, Caitlin, Olivia and Paul!

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