Emily Shipley's Senior Show, April 8~19, 2002

The theme of the show was the attack on the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001. Here, at the start of the show, we see a "big apple" surrounded by smaller apples in various stages of destruction. The top of the big apple is removable, and "inside the big apple" are headlines detailing the tragedy and artifacts suggestive of the response of the community. An "FDNY" tee shirt, fallen flower petals and plaster dust sprinkled over everything completes the introduction to the show.

The multimedia show featured parts of airplanes (also constructed from newspaper headlines; seen here in the background, right and left) emerging from the display surface, paper collected at the site strewn on the floor, three collographs depicting September 10, 11 and 12 (one of which is seen here in the background, center) and this sculpture, entitled "The Day We Mourned."

The show also featured several serigraphs, one of which is shown here (along with Emily, of course!) The red, white and blue ribbons were given to each visitor to the show, as a way of involving them in the work.

The concluding panel in the show was a large American flag. Other media included music and several multi-media panels, one of which featured a cutout of one of the WTT, which could be opened to reveal additional pieces. A guest book, in which visitors could record their thoughts and reactions, was also included.

A very proud Andrew helped hang the show, and was on hand to hear Emily's lecture on the work, Saturday afternoon, April 13th. A reception followed, and, after it was all over, everyone went back to Andrew's home for a cookout. (The background here shows a series of photographs, the work of another senior student, whose show ran concurrently with Emily's.)

Emily, very relieved to have the show hung and the lecture over!

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