Our House ...

Here's our front yard in its Summer dress, with newly-planted paper birch and redbud trees, and roses and other plantings along the neighbor's fence. The attached garage is off to the right-hand side of the picture

Here's the back yard in Winter clothing. There is a small creek between our property and that of the neighbors' in the background. The tall pole by the birdbath is technically for holding a bird feeder, but it occasionally doubles as a clothesline holder on warm Summer days when we want that "outdoor smell" on our sheets and sleeping bags!

The back yard in Spring is a lovely sight, with birds coming to the birdbath, the arbor beginning to fill with creeping honeysuckle and all the trees in full leaf. By the end of May, there is a virtual "green curtain" between us and the creek, and the perennial garden along the fence is a riot of color for most of the Summer months.
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