April, 2007

Ah, April. . . Spring Break time. Bob picked Penney up at 2:59:59p.m. on Holy Thursday and we spent the next ten days in Vermont and Rhode Island — and experienced all kinds of weather. Also, Bob supplied later in the month for a clergy friend who is the pastor of a predominantly African-American community church (the flavor is Baptist but the affiliation isn't). It was very interesting, if a little daunting, but his sermon was well-received.

Not the world's best picture, but it was taken through the living-room window at Mom's house. These are deer, but we were told that a moose has been seen around the property!

When Bob was in Rhode Island, he was befriended by a parish family who were also neighbors (Ed and Nancy Hirst and their three children). Nancy still lives in RI, in an assisted-living facility, and we stopped to see her [above; taken at her favorite restaurant, where we went for lunch] and also Penney's cousin, Betsey Snipes, with whom we stayed.

The flowers are from the yard — but were picked (obviously!) when the weather was a little better than that pictured on the other side of the page!

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