June, 2008

June began with a Farewell Celebration for Paul (and the other Youth Ministry Intern) at St. Paul's, Cleveland Heights. Over 100 people attended the picnic in the late afternoon (including Bob and Penney). Some of the pictures are shown below. Paul took his two weeks' vacation again this year to accompany St. Paul's college and high-school young people on a mission trip to Harlan, Kentucky, where they participated in a "Habitat"-like program building homes and other buildings in that beautiful but impoverished county.

People of all ages attended, a tribute to Paul's wide appeal!

Pictured above is Nancy Hunter Sherman, Diocesan Episcopal Churchwomen President and an old friend of Bob's.

But the majority of attendees were young people from Paul's work with Confirmation Class and Youth Group. They presented him with a "scrapbook of remembrance."

Paul with Peter Bowerfind, Jr., another one of the many adults attending. His physician father served with Bob and Penney on a the diocesan commission many years ago.

Meanwhile, Andrew (with help from Emily) was hard at work on a website which is part of a project he is completing for his Master's degree program at Vandercook University in Chicago. The degree will be awarded July 26, with the family in attendance.

The project is a series of links for middle- and high-school band students; it's organized by level and instrument and also includes a section for directors. To reach it, click here. A screen shot of the opening page is shown to the left.

Emily did the graphics for the site (they're great!) and Bob helped a little with proofreading. Once the content is approved by Andrew's adviser, the site will "go public;" Andrew is hoping that perhaps this can eventually become a business venture. It's certainly a valuable resource, and even nonmusical Bob is fascinated by the content.

Before coming to Paul's Farewell Celebration, we went to Post Clinton, where we found (again!) too much wind for sailing, but a nice sunny place to work on the Sunday Crossword puzzle.

Andrew and Bob started the first major renovation project with the deconstruction of the closets in the boys' former rooms. Details: click here.

Construction is almost as much fun as deconstruction! Here's the completed framing for the dormitory-to-study project!

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